After straining what was left of my voice to croak my way through, and leading a discussion on, my own “
d’var Torah,” (see, and between coughs, I managed to listen to what our friend the cantor—too bad she isn’t our
shul’s (synagogue’s) cantor—had to say about “holiday theme songs.” Apparently, each of the three
Shalosh R’galim (Pilgrimage Festivals) has a “theme song” whose tune can be substituted for the standard
nusach (traditional liturgical tune) for certain parts of the service. I forget what she said was the theme song for
Sukkot (the Feast of Booths), but the theme song for
Pesach (Passover) is
Adir Hu, which can be used for such passages as
Mi Chamocha and the
Hallel’s Hodu LaShem Ki Tov. Apparently, there’s a fancier tune to the
piyut (liturgical poem)
Akdamut, sung at the beginning of the first
aliyah on
Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks) than the one that I know, and that’s the theme song for
Shavuot. But the really neat thing that I learned is that the
plainer tune to
Akdamut, which is the one that I know, is also the basis of the
nusach for
nusach that I’ve been using since I was a teenager—for the evening of the
Shalosh Regalim!
I also learned from her that the Hebrew word “
piyut” and the English word “poetry” are both derived from the same Greek word.
You're probably right about Sukkot. And yes, Shavuot is tricky.
I'm tickled to see you here. Just out of curiosity, are you the Naomi who just got married to a guy "named" D.? If you are, mazal tov! My husband and I are another couple who met and dated "b'tzibur" (within the synagogue community). That's a trip, ain't it? :) On the other hand, it sure beats bar-hopping!
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